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SimpleComTools, LLC
 User Manual
SimpleComTools, LLC
The SCHEDULER tab is for configuring the parameters related to scheduled event logging. These options will allow
the scheduled capture of INPUT COUNTS and/or EVENT details. Schedule options include capturing data
persistently (every x minutes) either every day or on a scheduled basis daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Parameter Name
Scheduled Event Type
Sets the TYPE of log entries being created.
0 = Count Input Events (DEFAULT)
1 = Log Input Event Details
Schedule Event Timer
Sets time interval between recurring log entries made within the same 24
hour period.
0 = no logging (DEFAULT)
1440 = number of minutes between log entries
Scheduled Time of Day
Sets the TIME OF DAY for regularly scheduled logging. Set the time value using the
format HH:MM. Must enter value in Military time. (Example: 4PM = 16:00)
00:00 = Midnight (DEFAULT)
Note: Requires that the value DAY OF WEEK or DAY OF MONTH be set as well.
Scheduled Day of Week
Sets the DAY OF WEEK for regularly scheduled EVENT logging. Set this value if you
want the log to be appended every day. Otherwise, the default value of 0 will ensure
that event data is added to the log daily.
0 = Every Day  (DEFAULT)
7 = Day of the Week starting with Sunday. (Sun=1, Mon=2, Tue=3, etc)
Note: Requires that the value DAY OF WEEK or DAY OF MONTH be set as well.
Scheduled Day or Month
Sets the DAY OF MONTH for regularly scheduled EVENT logging. Set this value if you
do NOT want the log to be appended every day. Otherwise, the default value of 0 will
ensure that event data is added to the log daily.
0 = Every Day  (DEFAULT)
31 = Day of the Month. (1=1
day, 2=2
day, etc)
Note: Triggering once
month requires that DAY OF WEEK be set to ‘0’.
Poll Message
The Poll Message is a string of text to be sent out of the RS232 Port. It is designed to
communicate to an external device connected to the Terminal Port. Primarily for
triggering the device to provide a response or data output. This is a one
time command,
and not a complete SEND/EXPECT protocol. (Accepts up to 50 characters)
Poll Message
Line Termination
Poll Message Line Termination.  Sets line termination sequence used when sending a
Poll Message string to a device on the Terminal Port.
Options:      0 = CR (Send a Carriage Return after sending string) (DEFAULT)
1 = LF (Send a Line Feed after sending string)
2 = CR+LF (Send a Carriage Return + Line Feed after sending string)
Poll Type
Poll Message string
Options:      0 = None
1 = ASCII Text
2 =
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